Whitewalls Weekend April 2024

Cave digging was the theme for this weekend with two different ongoing digs to get stuck into. All were welcome to come along and give digging a try, whatever their experience, while caving trips also took place for the non-digging enthusiasts.

The weekend got off to a good start with two members visiting a couple of sites in the Quantocks: Aisholt Quarry Cave (a long-standing dig) and ‘the mine that shall not be named’ dig. They were then joined by those able to wait until Saturday for their fix of cave digging in the Spider Chamber/Midnight Passage dig in Agen Allwedd. Here the face of the dig was enlarged to give a better view of the new side passage (as yet too small to be entered) and a new access route for the larger caver was also made.

However digging was not the only activity of the day, as a sporting trip to Slaughter Stream Cave (Wet Sink) in the Forest of Dean also took place, as well as a somewhat gentler trip to Ogof Clogwyn in the Clydach Gorge.

Sunday’s activities were focused on the Pwll Estrys cave dig, high on the Llangattock escarpment, where more scaffolding was installed in the entrance shaft and spoil removed from below.

Photos from the digging trips

  • The dig at Aisholt Quarry Cave

  • Aisholt Quarry Cave in the Quantocks

  • The Caverns dig in “the mine that shall not be named”

  • Aggy entrance

  • Spider Chamber dig in Agen Allwedd

  • Digging in Spider Chamber

  • View into ‘Puppy on a String’ passage (not yet entered)

  • Hauling spoil up the scaffolded shaft in Pwll Estrys

  • Outside the Pwll Estrys entrance

Photos by Mike Wise

© Chelsea Spelaeological Society