A weekend based at the TSG hut in Castleton with a 5 different trips in 3 cave systems, plus a bonus day caving on Friday for those that travelled up early.
A number of the team had travelled up early for a bonus day of sporting caving fun in the Peak Cavern system via the multi-pitch entrance of JH in two teams, one rigging and one de-rigging. We then went on to do the rather impressive Ride of the Valkyries round trip on opposite directions for a bit of extra SRT. Saturday saw a return to the Peak Cavern system, this time through the main entrance. Here we had a choice of trips with one team doing a scenic horizontal tour of the streamways, and two teams doing the SRT round trip to well-decorated White River Series. Sunday we again had a choice of trips with one group heading to P8 and the other to Eldon Hole, including an ascent of Damocles Rift. A very active weekend and a well-attended meet.
See CSS newsletter Vol. 64, Nos. 10-12 for reports from all trips undertaken on this meet.
Photos from the weekend
The J.H. entrance
Abseiling down from The Workshop, J.H.
Leviathan pitch, JH
Bottom of Ride of the Valkyries, JH/Peak
Descending Calcite Aven, Ride of the Valkyries round trip
Covered in mud on the way back out of J.H.
The White River Series, Peak Cavern
White River Series, Peak Cavern
White River Series, Peak Cavern
Rigging the Terminator pitch, White River Series
The Terminator (2nd pitch down from White River)
Terminator pitch, White River Series
Colostomy Crawl, Peak Cavern
Sump downstream from Surprise View, Peak Cavern
The P8 team
1st pitch, P8
Avoiding the waterfall on 1st pitch, P8
View to the sump, P8
At the end of the cave, P8
Exiting P8
Jon in Eldon Hole